Mili (2022): The show tells the story of Mili, an easy woman UN agency lives along with her amative father and features a cute young man. intending to move to North American nation for a higher future, she works at an area eatery. Her fate is modified in the future once she finds herself fastened within the restaurant’s Deepfreeze.
Mili tries to safeguard herself from cooling whereas her father and young man urgently hunt for her outside.
Movie Detail:
Film Name: Mili 2022
Producer: Boney Kapoor
Director: Mathukutty Xavier
Genre: Thriller
Language: Hindi
Subtitles: English Subtitles
Janhvi Kapoor, Sunny Kaushal, Manoj Pahwa, Hasleen Kaur, Rajesh Jais, Vikram Kochhar
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